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HomeEnvironmental Issues

Let's Talk Trash

Broward County is facing a serious crisis when we look at the mounting problem of trash. Every year, we create about 4 million tons of trash and we don't have many places to put it. The waste is polluting our air, water and bodies and is a significant contributor to climate change.

Environmental Issues


The LWV has long supported efforts to promote the conservation and sustainability of our natural resources. The Broward League’s Environmental Issues Committee studies these issues with a focus on South Florida, holds events to educate voters, and promotes advocacy to support or oppose legislation which follows League positions.

For more information, contact the team's chair, Stephanie Pearson – .

The Right to Clean and Healthy Waters

Florida’s waters are impaired with bacteria, red tide and blue green algae are impacting our health and economy, coral is dying, and manatees are starving.  Our current system of water protection is not working.

Join the grassroots citizens' initiative to amend the Florida Constitution.

This amendment creates a fundamental right to clean and healthy waters. It will force the state to enforce clean water legislation.


You may have signed the clean water petition last year but this is a new petition drive, so you need to sign again.


Here's more information about the petition drive.  

Here's an explanation of why clean water should be a made a fundamental right.

Climate Change – An Exciting Project


South Florida is ground zero for the effects of our warming climate. We are already feeling the impact of warming oceans, rising seas, increased flooding, stronger storms, and the threat of saltwater intrusion.  Increasing temperatures are impacting our ecology and our public health.


Yet so many members of our community are not aware, are in denial, or would rather not think about it.  As a result, our elected officials are not addressing this issue head on, and many are taking us in the wrong direction.


To better inform the public of the facts and the urgency, world renowned artist Xavier Cortada has developed a project called The Underwater. He has created public art works to bring awareness and a special project that helps residents find out the elevation of their homes and display that information to spark a community conversation.  For more information and to participate go to:

Two local physicians, Drs. Julie Long and Georgia Christakis, spoke about how plastics, extreme heat, weather events and other climate change factors are affecting our health at a program sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Broward County on April 26, 2023.

The League of Women Voters will continue to help educate and advocate to better address the challenge of climate change and public health.

We recorded the presentations before the event and it is now on the League's YouTube channel.  Here is the link: Please share.

Here is an op-ed piece that was posted to The Invading Seas, a project of our media outlets in Florida, on the same subject.

What we have been doing


We sponsor public meetings  


Recent meetings include Oil drilling in the Everglades, Water issues in South Florida, Sea Level Rise, and Plastics Reduction.

Here's a video of a program on "Plastics: A Scourge or a Blessing Or Both?"


We lobby on environmental legislation in Tallahassee:


Working with our Florida League, we identify environmental bills to support or oppose during the Florida legislative session and then call upon our members and the public to write and call their legislators.


We speak out at times in coalition with other groups at public hearings and public press conferences about legislation.

We write to public officials on behalf of the League when appropriate.


We educate the public on environmental issues


We studied our recycling and solid waste crisis in Broward, met with officials, attended meetings, and lobbied in support of a consultant report on the need for a comprehensive solid waste plan for Broward.


We created brochures and distributed them to help educate about plastics and recycling.


We created a plastics power point which will now be used by many Leagues in Florida. We will continue to speak to various groups about this and other environmental issues.


We started a project to identify what our cities are doing or not doing to encourage renewable energy and plan for climate change resilience and are lobbying our cities to do more.


Our local League participated in a state League partnership with a solar co-op to offer rooftop solar to Broward residents.  

Environmental issues officially adopted by Broward League for 2024-25

  • Support of acquisition, development, and sustainable management of public park lands, greenways, and open spaces.
  • Support of Broward League study criteria to determine the suitability of any commercial enterprise in a public park.
  • Monitor and support the conservation of water and water resource areas, including Everglades Restoration. 
  • Support development and implementation of a regional climate change action plan for Southeast Florida that includes a goal of transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy sources no later than 2050 and setting interim goals.
  • Support the rights of residents, businesses, local governments, and schools to reach renewable energy goals.
  • Support and encourage reduction, reuse, and recycling of solid waste materials, including - but not limited to paper, plastic, glass, organics, cardboards, and metals.
  • Support the protection of our freshwater resources, that is, our water quality and quantity, from - including but not limited to - saltwater intrusion, pollutants, aging infrastructure or criminal activity.
  • Oppose oil drilling, including fracking, off shore and in the Everglades.
  • Support only projects that do not have negative environmental and/or socio-economic impacts on local communities.

Key environmental issues in Florida


The League of Women Voters of Broward County – we are fighting to make an environmental difference! We work hard to influence the Florida Legislature, our County and city governments, and the U.S. Congress and to educate the public.

Trash and Recycling - Here in Broward our County officials and 28 of our 31 cities have come to an agreement to develop a comprehensive solid waste plan to deal with our almost 4 million tons of waste created every year.  We are following all the deliberations, and giving input to prioritize waste reduction and effective recycling over landfilling and incineration.  We are working to educate the public about the issue. 

For more information go to the League of Cities Website.

Plastics are a Grave Threat to our Land and Oceans– We need a concerted effort by government to limit single use plastics to save our oceans and our resources. Current state law prevents local governments from plastic bans. This preemption law must be overturned. Individual behavior and corporate policies would help in the meantime. We work to educate everyone about the dangers of plastics to our waste stream, resources and potentially our food chain.


Ban on Fracking and Drilling for Oil in Florida – We want on ban on fracking and oil drilling in Florida’s Everglades and along our coast. We are lobbying our state legislature and Federal government.


Support Full Funding of Land Acquisition Program - The Florida legislature has not fully funded the program to buy environmentally sensitive lands that voters approved by 75% in 2014.


Clean and Adequate Supply of Clean Water - We need adequate funding for Everglades Restoration and to prevent blue-green algae and red tide from ruining our beaches. Septic systems, and fertilizers are a threat to our water system. Sea level rise leads to salt-water intrusion and flooding. Our infrastructure must be prepared and adequately funded.




Nuclear Energy and Climate Change

This presentation by Dr. Assel Aitkaliyeva will explain why nuclear energy is safe and necessary to meet energy demands in the U.S. Dr. Aitkaliyeva, Assistant Professor of Nuclear Engineerng at the University of Florida, presented this program to the Broward League Environmental Issues Committee in April 2022.

Coral Reef Restoration

Madeline Kaufman and Liv Williamson from the University of Miami's Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences discuss Coral Reef Restoration in South Florida with members of the League of Women Voters in June 2021.